Verify that you are trying to add the Windows device from a Cloudmon Windows probe. Confirm that the WMI credentials you provided are correct and that you can successfully connect to the device using the same credentials from any other Windows ...
Execute the command: Get-CimInstance MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature -Namespace "root/wmi" | Select CurrentTemperatur This command will provide the Windows laptop's CPU temperature output. If the resulting display appears as follows: Get-CimInstance : ...
1. Check the status of the MongoDB and server using the following commands: To check MongoDB status: service mongod status. To check server status: service cloudmon-controller@server status. If either of them is inactive, restart them using the ...
1. First, check the agent log for a reason. On Windows, the log path for the agent is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudmon\logs. On Linux, the log path for the agent is: /var/log/cloudmon/agent/agent.log. 2. Verify if the CC_URL is in the following ...
Verify whether the probe-agent pushes availability statistics of ip-endpoint to cloudmon collector using probe-agent log /var/log/cloudmon/probe-agent/agent.log Then verify whether the collector collects the statistics and pushes to Cloudmon ITIM ...