Relase Notes

Release Notes

Veryx(TM) Cloudmon Version 2.5
Copyright (C) 2023 Veryx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date of release: 12-03-2024

A1. What's New?
1.Default Monitoring Profile Enhancement: Default monitoring profile now includes minimal metrics and retains settings post-upgrade.
2.TCP-based Trace Route Support: Added support for TCP-based trace routes in Windows for DEM.
3.Improved Failure Notifications: Users can now monitor liveness and receive notifications of failures within 30 seconds.
4.Individual License Control: Users can now control licenses for NCM, Syslog, and Trap Manager individually.
5.Live Updates for Dashboard Widgets: Dashboard widgets now support live updates.
6.Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Compatibility: Cloudmon controller and probe are now compatible with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
7.UI Enhancements for Account/User Management: Users can now change the default account/user via the UI.
8.⁠User Assignment Enhancement: Default assignment is now set to tool admin. Deleted user's assigned assets are automatically moved to the default user. No changes required if multiple users are assigned to the same asset.
9.Tree View UI for Metric Selection: Added a tree view UI to select metrics in the profile.
10.Configuration Backup and Rollback Support: Added support for configuration backup and rollback using SSH, TFTP, SFTP, SCP, and Telnet.
11.⁠Device Sub-Menus: Added sub-menus for devices (eg: Agents table under Devices > Agents with quick filters).

A2. Recent Changes
1. Bug fixes and performance improvements

A3. Supported Environment
OS: CentOS 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9

A4. Known Problems and Workarounds

Veryx(TM) Cloudmon Version 2.4
Copyright (C) 2023 Veryx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date of release: 22-11-2023

A1. What's New?
1.Syslog Collection and Insights
2.Custom Dashboard - support for adding table
3.Event Log Analysis for Agent Discovery and Reboot Detection
4.Optimizing Client Agent Auto-Upgrade Timings
5.Integration Page Addition in General Settings
6.Runbook Execution by Agents: Choose and Execute Any Runbook Directly from the Controller
7.Streamlining Automation Tasks with Preconfigured Runbooks
8.SNMP Trap and Event Monitoring
9.Network Configuration Manager (NCM) - Backup using SSH/Telnet

A2. Recent Changes
1. Bug fixes and performance improvements

A3. Supported Environment
OS: CentOS 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9

A4. Known Problems and Workarounds

Veryx(TM) Cloudmon Version 2.3
Copyright (C) 2023 Veryx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date of release: 22-Nov-2023

A1. What's New?
1. nProbe integration with NTM
2. Unified Cloudmon agent - ITIM and DEM
3. New License scheme (Limitation based on edition)
4. New DEM feature licensing for Basic, Standard & Professional editions
5. Report Modification - Added new report template "Device usage Report"
6. Monthly Report on Downtime for Servers & Network Devices
7. Cisco Class based QoS (CBQoS) analytics
8. Included Date & Time in ITIM Report
9. Subnet Analytics
10.Data security - at motion & rest

A2. Recent Changes
1. Bug fixes and performance improvements

A3. Supported Environment
OS: CentOS 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9

A4. Known Problems and Workarounds

Veryx(TM) Cloudmon Version 2.2
Copyright (C) 2023 Veryx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date of release: 10-Jul-2023

A1. What's New?
1. Added IP Endpoint Availability report
2. Added Device Resource Usage Report
3. Enhancement on software upgrade
4. Preservation of heatmap settings
5. License restriction based on edition
6. Added auto upgrade feature on windows agent
7. Added option to customize the table columns

A2. Recent Changes
1. Bug fixes and performance improvements

A3. Supported Environment
OS: CentOS 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9

A4. Known Problems and Workarounds

Veryx(TM) Cloudmon Version 2.1
Copyright (C) 2023 Veryx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date of release: 30-Apr-2023

A1. What's New?
1. Support for Suse Linux
2. Added process tree view
3. SMS and Zoho help desk integration
4. Single dashboard for ITIM, DEM and NTM
5. Custom dashboard
6. Custom OID monitoring for SNMP devices
7. Option to enable/disable interface monitoring
8. 95th Percentile can be viewed for any metric
9. Chat bot integration for support
10. Export data from chart
11. Custom report
12. LDAP/AD integration
13. Auto-detect SNMP device model and type

A2. Recent Changes
1. Bug fixes and performance improvements

A3. Supported Environment
OS: CentOS 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9

A4. Known Problems and Workarounds

Veryx(TM) Cloudmon ITIM Version 1.9
Copyright (C) 2022 Veryx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date of release: 30-Jun-2022

A1. What's New?
1. Support for docker and container monitoring
2. Support for MS Edge
3. Alarm rule for Agent status
4. IP Endpoints topology view drilldown

A2. Recent Changes
1. Enhanced Login and User accounts
2. Bug fixes and performance improvements

A3. Supported Environment
OS: CentOS 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9

A4. Known Problems and Workarounds

Veryx(TM) Cloudmon ITIM Version 1.4
Copyright (C) 2021 Veryx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date of release: 18-Jun-2021

A1. What's New?
1. Support for diskIO, CPU temperature.
2. Public cloud integration
3. Self activation on AWS marketplace instance
3. Support for All-in-One installation
4. Alarm drilldown and Trace
5. Online installation/upgrade support
6. Support for high frequency polling
7. SSL support
8. Default Admin user added for AWS users
9. IP monitoring
10. Monitoring remote users

A2. Recent Changes
1. Enhanced Geo map
2. Enhance Network path with network path latency

A3. Supported Environment
OS: CentOS 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9

A4. Known Problems and Workarounds

Veryx(TM) Cloudmon ITIM Version 1.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Veryx Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Date of release: 25-Jan-2021

A1. What's New?
1. Support for monitoring cpu, memory and disk statistics
2. Support for monitoring using cloudmon agents and SNMP

A2. Recent Changes

A3. Supported Environment
OS: CentOS 7.6

A4. Known Problems and Workarounds

Releases - History

    Version                  Release Type                  Release Date
     2.5                    Minor Release                   12-Mar-2023
     2.4                    Minor Release                   22-Nov-2023
     2.3                    Minor Release                   31-Aug-2023
     2.2                    Minor Release                   10-Jul-2023
     2.1                    Minor Release                   30-Apr-2023
     1.9                    Minor Release                   30-Jun-2022
     1.4                    Minor Release                   18-Jun-2021
     1.0                    Initial Release                 25-Jan-2021