Userguide for Cloudmon Mobile App - Android

Cloudmon Mobile App - Android (User Guide)

Controller URL Page:

  1. Enter a valid URL in the Controller URL field and click on “Let's Begin” 

Sign In Page:

  1. Enter your username and password in the designated fields.
  2. Enable the "Stay Signed In" option, if you want to remain logged in even after closing the app.
  3. You can modify the Controller URL by clicking the "Edit" button and enter a new URL by clicking the "Change" button.
  4. Finally, click on the Sign In button to proceed.




Dashboard Page:

  1. On the dashboard page, you can view the count of alarmed, active, and inactive Servers, Devices, and IP Endpoints.
  2. You can filter the alarms by selecting the "All" option to show previously alarmed items or the "Alarmed" option to display all the active alarms.
  3. If there are many alarms, you can navigate to the next pages by clicking on the arrows.


Alarm Triage Page:

  1. On the Alarm Triage page, you will find all the currently active alarms that are separated according to their severity levels.
  2. Each alarm is displayed with its ID, name, metric, status, and severity.
  3. To access more detailed information about a specific alarm, simply select it.



Alarm Details Page:

  1. In the alarm details page, you can find various fields including Alarm Name, Hostname, IP Address, Impacted Metric, Severity, Status Type, Threshold Value, Actual Value, Automatic Remediation, Resolution, Viewed By, Assigned To, and more.
  2. You can click the share button to send screenshots of their specific Alarm Details attached with their Alarm ID through different apps.
  3. To return to the Alarm Triage page, simply click on the "Close" button.




  1. You will receive a notification of your alarm on your mobile phone via Cloudmon App if you have enabled notification.
  2. By clicking on the notification, you will be automatically redirected to the Alarm Detail Page of that alarm to view the detailed information.

Sign Out Page:

  1. Click on the Menu Option that is located on the top left corner of the page
  2. Click on the “Sign Out” button to return to the Sign In page.



Notification Toggle 

  1. To enable push notifications, locate the Notification Toggle and click on it.
  2. To disable push notifications, click the Notification Toggle again.
  3. Please note that the Notification Toggle is initially turned on by default after installation.