Cloudmon Notification Integration

Cloudmon Notification Integration



Cloudmon's notification system serves as a crucial component of its platform, providing users with timely updates and alerts regarding various aspects of their cloud infrastructure and services. 

The available Platforms for notifications include: 
1. SMS via Twilio integration 

2. Zoho Desk (for ITSM) 

3. Slack 

4. Microsoft Teams 

5. Email 

6. Custom Hook (3rd party integrations). 

1. SMS via Twilio integration 

1.1 How to obtain Twilio account 

1. Begin by signing up on and following the verification process. 
2. Once your verification is successfully completed, you will be directed to the Twilio welcome page. 
3. Proceed by providing the requested information to get started with Twilio. 



4. After being redirected to the Dashboard, locate the option labelled "Get a Twilio phone number" and proceed by clicking on it. 

5. Scroll down to locate your Account SID, Auth Token, and assigned Twilio phone number. 


1.2 How to enable SMS integration in Cloudmon 


Cloudmon currently offers support for Twilio SMS integration. 

To enable SMS integration, follow these steps, 

  1. Go to Settings > General settings > Integration in the Cloudmon application. 

  1. Refer to the title "How to obtain a Twilio account" for instructions on acquiring the necessary information. 

  1. Click the gear symbol located in the widget called "Twilio".  

  1. Fill in the required fields with the information provided and save the configurations. 

Add recipient: 
  1. To add a recipient for alert notifications, follow these steps: 

  1. Segoe UI Access the Settings menu and go to General Settings > Integration. 

  1. In the Twilio widget, find the '+ Contact' option. 

  1. Complete all the required fields with the necessary information. 

  1. Save your changes. 


1.3 How to trigger an alert via SMS in Cloudmon 

Enable SMS integration 
For enabling the SMS Integration, please refer to the title How to enable SMS integration in Cloudmon  
Trigger an alert via SMS: 

To trigger an alert via SMS, follow these steps: 


       1. Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Alarm Rules. 
      2. Locate the "+" icon in the top right corner and click on it. 

      3. Include the necessary details like the Notifier (The notifier which was created by configuring the "Integrations" settings) and Triggers, then proceed to save the configuration. 





Eg: SMS received in phone using twilio 

2. How to enable zoho desk in Cloudmon 

Integrate Zoho Desk 
To configure the Notification settings for Zoho Desk, follow these steps, 

  1. Go to Settings > General settings > Integration. 

  1. Click on the "+Department" icon located in the "Zoho Desk" widget. 

  1. Provide all the necessary information in the required fields and save the configurations. 

  • How to obtain Organisation ID in Zoho desk: 
          1. Log in to your Zoho Desk account. 

2. Click on the cogwheel in the top-right corner to open the Settings menu. 

3. Navigate to the DEVELOPER SPACE section and select the API option. 

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the OrgId. OrgId is the Organization ID you need. 


  • How to get Department ID in Zoho desk: 

  1. Log in to your Zoho Desk account. 

  1. Click on the gear icon on the top right corner of the screen to access the settings. 

  1. Under the "Departments" section, click on "View Departments." 

  1. Click on the department name for which you want to get the ID. 

  1. In the department details page, look for the URL in the address bar of your browser. 

  1. The department ID will be the string of characters after "dept/" in the URL. 

  1. Alternatively, you can also find the department ID by using the Zoho Desk API. You can make a GET request to the department's endpoint ( and retrieve the ID for each department in your account. 

  • How to get client ID and client server in Zoho desk: 

You must register your application at the Zoho API Console to receive your Client ID and Client Secret. 


To register your application 

  1. Go to Zoho API Console ( ) and click GET STARTED. 

  1. Hover over your application's client type and click CREATE NOW. 

  1. Enter the Client Name, Homepage URL, and Authorized redirect URI. If you select client-based applications, you need to enter the JavaScript Domain URI. 

  1. Click CREATE. 



If your application doesn't have a domain or redirect URL, you can select Self Client to generate authorization code. The authorization code is used to create an access token and a refresh token. 


To create a self-client: 

  1. Go to Zoho API Console and click GET STARTED. 

  1. Hover over the Self Client and click CREATE NOW, then click OK. 

  1. You will receive the client credentials such as Client ID and Client Secret. 

  • How to generate a code in zoho desk.  

  1. Go to Zoho API Console ( ) and click GET STARTED. 

  1. Hover over the Self Client and click CREATE NOW, then click OK. 

  1. You will receive the client credentials such as Client ID and Client Secret. 

  1. You can generate authorization code by filling valid scope details and setting the time duration under Generate Code. 

Note: if you have previously created a self-client and obtained a client ID and client server, you can access the Zoho API Console, select the Self-client option, provide a valid scope (such as "" if you wish to create a ticket in Zoho), and set the time duration under the "Generate code" option. 

2.1 How to trigger an alert via Zoho desk in Cloudmon 


Trigger an alert via Zoho Desk 

      1. Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Alarm Rules. 
      2. Locate the "+" icon in the top right corner and click on it. 

      3. Include the necessary details like the Notifier (The notifier which was created by configuring "Zoho Desk" in the integration in settings) and Triggers, then proceed to save the configurations. 

      Eg: Zoho desk alert triggered 

3. How to enable slack notifications in Slack notification in Cloudmon  

Integrate Slack URL: 

  1. To configure the Notification settings for Slack, follow these steps, 

  1. Go to Settings > General settings > Integration. 

  1. Click on the "+Channel" icon located in the "Slack" widget. 

  1. Provide all the necessary information in the required fields and save the configurations. 

To get the incoming webhook URL for Slack, follow these steps: 

  1. If you're not already logged in, sign in to your Slack workspace. 

  1. Choose the channel to which you wish to add an incoming webhook. You can use an existing channel or create a new one if necessary. 

  1. Click on the channel name in the left navigation bar to open the channel. 

  1. Click on the channel name at the top left of your Slack interface. 

  1. Click on "Integrations." 

  1. Click "Add an App." 

  1. In the search bar, look for "Incoming Webhook" and click "View." 

  1. Click "Configure" and then "Add to Slack." 

  1. Scroll down to the "Post to Channel" section. 

  1. Select the channel where you want to add the incoming webhook. 

  1. Click "Add Incoming Webhooks Integration." 

  1. Once configured, you will find the webhook URL at the end of the setup. Copy this URL for use in your applications or services 

3.1 How to trigger an alert via Slack.  


1. Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Alarm Rules. 
2. Locate the "+" icon in the top right corner and click on it. 

3. Include the necessary details like the Notifier (The notifier which was created by configuring "Slack" in the integration in settings) and Triggers, then proceed to save the configuration. 



                                        Eg: Slack Notification received in a channel. 


4. How to enable Microsoft Teams notifications in Cloudmon 

Integrate Teams URL: 


  1. To configure the Notification settings for Microsoft Teams, follow these steps, 

  1. Go to Settings > General settings > Integration. 

  1. Click on the "+Channel" icon located in the " Microsoft Teams" widget. 

  1. Provide all the necessary information in the required fields and save the configurations. 


To create a webhook link for Microsoft Teams via Incoming Webhook, follow these steps: 

  1. Open Microsoft Teams and navigate to the team and channel where you want to create the webhook link. 

  1. Click on the three-dot icon next to the channel name and select "Connectors." 

  1. Search for "Incoming Webhook" and click on the "Add" button. 

  1. Give your webhook a name and customize the image if you'd like, then click on the "Create" button. 

  1. You will be presented with a URL, copy this URL as this is the webhook link that you will use to post messages to Teams. 

  1. Click on the "Done" button to complete the setup. 

4.1 How to trigger an alert via Microsoft Teams  

1. Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Alarm Rules. 
2. Locate the "+" icon in the top right corner and click on it. 
3. Include the necessary details like the Notifier (The notifier which was created by configuring "Teams" in the integration in settings) and Triggers, then proceed to save the configuration.  



                                  Eg:  Teams notification received in a channel

5. How to add mail server configuration and enable email notification in Cloudmon? 

To enable Email notification, follow these steps, 
  1. Go to Settings > General settings > Integration in the Cloudmon application. 

  1. Click the gear symbol located in the widget called " Email". 

  1. Fill in the required fields with the provided information and save the configurations. 

Add recipient. 

To add an email recipient for alert notifications, follow these steps: 

  1. Access the Settings menu and go to General Settings > Integration. 

  1. In the Email widget, find the '+ Contact' option. 

  1. Complete all the required fields with the necessary information. 

  1. Save your changes. 

5.1 How to add Gmail as SMTP server in Cloudmon?  

To use Gmail as an SMTP server, you will need to configure your email client or application with the following settings: 


Enable Two-factor authentication: 


To enable the two-factor authentication, please follow the steps outlined in the link provided below. 


Generate an App Password: 

  1. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you'll need to generate an app password specifically for your email client or application. 

  1. Go to the "App passwords" section of your Google Account settings. You can access it through this link: 

  1. Select your app and device from the dropdown menus and click on the "Generate" button. 

  1. Google will generate a unique password for your application. Make a note of it as you'll need to enter it later during the email client setup. 


Configure your Email Client: 

  1. Open cloudmon portal and navigate to the settings > Mail server configuration. 

  1. Enter the following SMTP server settings and save the configuration. 

  1.              Host: 
  1.              Port: 587 
  1.             From: your email address (eg: 
  1.             Auth: Enable Authentication.  
  1.             Email: Your email address (eg: 
  1.             Password: app password you generated earlier 

Test the Configuration: 


Test the configuration by sending a test email from your email client. Make sure the email is successfully sent without any errors. 


5.2 How to trigger an alert via email 

1. Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Alarm Rules. 
2. Locate the "+" icon in the top right corner and click on it. 
3. Include the necessary details like the Notifier (The notifier which was created by configuring "Email" in the integration in settings) and Triggers, then proceed to save the configuration. 



                                              Eg: Email alerts  


6. How to enable custom hook in Cloudmon hook in Cloudmon to notify an alert: 

Integrate Custom hook URL: 


  1. To configure the Notification settings for Custom hook, follow these steps, 

  1. Go to Settings > General settings > Integration. 

  1. Click on the "+ Add" icon located in the " Custom hook" widget. 

  1. Provide all the necessary information in the required fields and save the configurations. 

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